Closed engagements and consultations

Current engagement activity

The Networked Data Lab (NDL)

Lead: Leeds office of the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (the ICB in Leeds)

Period: 1st Jul 2020 - 31st Mar 2026

The Networked Data Lab (NDL) is a Health Foundation funded collaborative network of advanced analytical teams across the UK working...

Previous engagement activity

Adult hearing loss

Lead: NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)

Period: 5th May 2023 - 28th May 2023

How are you doing, Leeds?

Lead: Leeds Health and Care Partnership

Period: 7th Jul 2022 - 15th Sep 2022

The 10-week online and print questionnaire is part of a survey by the Leeds Health and Care Partnership (LCHP) of...

Reviewing Involving You, our annual report on involvement

Lead: Integrated Care Board in Leeds

Partners: People's Voices Partnership partners

Period: 1st Jun 2022 - 27th Jul 2022

To help us develop how we report on involvement activity, we asked people to share their feedback on the Involving...

Getting your COVID-19 vaccination – Your experiences

Lead: NHS Leeds CCG

Partners: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT), Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH), Skills for Health

Period: 19th Feb 2021 - 30th Sep 2021

We wanted to hear about people’s experiences of receiving their vaccinations for COVID-19.

Have your say on improving Community Neurological Services

Lead: NHS Leeds CCG

Partners: NHS Leeds CCG and LCH NHS Trust

Period: 5th Jul 2021 - 12th Sep 2021

We wanted to hear about people’s experiences of the Community Neuro Rehabilitation Service and start a conversation about what a...

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