Involving You: Summary, 2021-2022

Involving You: Summary 2021-2022


We are the People’s Voices Partnership (PVP) in Leeds. We are a team of health and care organisations that includes the NHS, Leeds City Council, and the voluntary and community sector (third sector). We are passionate about listening to patients, carers, and the public and using their feedback to influence change in our local health services.

This document is a summary of our annual involvement report ‘Involving You’ where we outline some of our involvement activities as a city over the last year.

If you would like to read the full report please visit the website below or email [email protected] or call 0113 221 7777 for a paper copy.

You can read more about the projects in full by reading our full Involving You report:

Who are and what we do

NHS Leeds CCG and Leeds City Council plan and pay for health and care services in Leeds. It is their job to get the best possible health results for the patients of Leeds. They do this in partnership with voluntary and community sector organisations to make sure that services meet the diverse needs of the city. This involves looking at local needs, deciding on priorities and strategies, and then paying for services on behalf of the people of Leeds. Some of these services include primary care (general practice), urgent and emergency care, acute care and mental health, and community services.

Our vision is for Leeds to be “a healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest”. Some of the key challenges in Leeds are to tackle health inequalities (avoidable and unfair differences in health), address unwanted differences in the quality of care, and support a growing elderly population with more long-term conditions.

We involve local people by:

  • Involving people in public engagements or consultations.
  • Reviewing people’s experiences by carrying out insight reviews of what people have already told us.
  • Supporting citywide patient networks and groups where people contribute to conversations to help service improvement.
  • Supporting commissioners to involve patients in the development of services.
  • Supporting volunteers to provide assurance on our involvement activities.

We work together in Leeds to involve a wide range of people, such as those from diverse ethnic communities, people with learning disabilities and autism, and other people, such as working-age adults and carers.

We support people who may need translation or other formats (such as British Sign Language, large print etc.) to be involved. When we host focus groups, we do our best to go to where people are rather than expecting them to come to us at a location that might be difficult to get to.

We’ve learned a lot from the COVID-19 pandemic and have changed our approach to involving people, including conducting online focus groups, surveys, and email options for people who are online. We’ve also made sure that people can feedback by post and telephone if they are ‘offline’.

Our involvement activities

Over the last year, we have involved over 37,000 people!

Every involvement activity is different. We use a variety of approaches depending on the needs of the service change or development. The next two pages briefly outline some of the involvement activities we have carried out between April 2021 and March 2022.

Transforming community mental health services

We are working on an exciting project to overhaul how community mental health services work. We have over 40 people
with lived experience of mental health involved in shaping these new services over the next three years.

Developing a youth charter for the city

We are working with young people to create an agreement between young people and senior leaders on things that matter
the most to young people about their health, also known as a youth charter.

How does it feel for me?

We are demonstrating the power of people’s experiences of health and care services through a series of videos that
are shared with senior leaders across the city.

Communities of Interest Network

We are working together to hear the voices of people represented by third sector organisations in the city through our Communities of Interest Network. Their involvement and feedback are helping shape how we communicate with communities.

Developing community mental health support services

We worked with people with lived experience of mental health to tell us how we can make improvements to the way mental health support services in the community work.

Developing children’s speech and language therapy services

We worked with parents and carers to find out about their experiences of using the Children’s Speech and Language therapy service and how they think services could be improved.

Adult inpatient stroke rehabilitation services

We worked with people from diverse ethnic communities to explore the impact of moving the adult inpatient stroke rehabilitation services from Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) to Chapel Allerton Hospital.

Creating practice development sessions for staff

We worked with people with lived experience of mental health to inform and develop a range of new training materials for staff at Leeds and York Partnership Foundation Trust, who provide mental health services for the city.

My data matters

We worked with patients in the hospitals working groups to determine whether Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust should partner with a health research firm to collect cancer patient’s data.


Communications campaigns are one of the tools we use to involve local people in health service developments, raise awareness of new services and advice, and support people to make healthy lifestyle choices. Our campaigns over the last year have been seen over 20 million times!

Learning from what you have told us

It’s important that we review feedback from across all our involvement activities so that we can understand common themes. We can use this information to develop our services in the future and avoid having to ask people the same questions. Here are some of the key themes we have identified over the last year.

Positive experiences of healthcare services

What you said:

  • People told us that generally their experience of using healthcare services in Leeds is positive (from National GP Survey, Big Leeds Chat 2021, other feedback through the year).

What are we doing?

  • We are sharing positive feedback and stories with frontline workers. This is really important following a very difficult year for staff

How can you help?

  • Keep sharing your positive stories, and tell us how we can be even better.

Joined-up services and communication

What you said:

  • People told us they want their care to be more joined up and to be communicated with regularly, in a compassionate and accessible way at all stages in their health and care journey.

What are we doing?

How can you help?

  • Share your experience of using health and care services. Find out how to share your experiences in the ‘how can you share feedback’ section (above).

Mental health services

What you said:

  • People told us they want faster access to joined-up mental health services and better information about what mental health support is available.

What are we doing?

How can you help?

  • Let’s talk about mental health and let’s end mental health discrimination. Check out the MindWell website for
    more information on mental health:

GP practices

What you said:

  • People have told us how much they value their GP practice. However, patients have increasingly reported
    more difficulty in accessing their doctor:

What are we doing?

How can you help?

Accessible information

What you said:

  • People told us they want better quality and accessible information about health services, including while they
    wait for treatment.

What are we doing?

  • We have provided a range of information about the COVID-19 vaccine in different formats including videos in 10 different languages:

How can you help?

Accessing services digitally

What you said:

  • People told us that they want the option to be able to access services both digitally and in-person.

What are we doing?

How can you help?

  • Please use digital services if you can. This will free up our staff to work with people who are not able to access care digitally.

Diverse communities

What you said:

  • People reminded us that Leeds is a diverse city and we must support people in all our different communities to access our services.

What are we doing?

How can you help?

  • When you share your views make sure you fill in the equality monitoring section. This helps us understand the needs and preferences of different communities in Leeds.

Green spaces

What you said:

  • People told us that parks and green spaces are important for maintaining your wellbeing and keeping fit.

What are we doing?

  • Leeds City Council’s Parks and Countryside service will plant 50 hectares of woodland a year in Leeds. This is around 225,000 carbon-absorbing trees!

How can you help?

Our involvement activities over the last year

We use a variety of methods to involve patients and our local communities including surveys, focus groups and social media.

When we involve people, we collect pieces of information about who a person is to help us know where the gaps are in our understanding of people’s experiences of accessing services.

This means that, with your permission, we collect information related to age, disability, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, and transgender identity in order to see how different groups are impacted by our services. Using this data, we can see who we are hearing from and identify gaps in the diverse communities we want to work with in Leeds. This means we can then make efforts to reach out to those different groups and give them the opportunity to have their say.

Between April 2021 and March 2022:

  • 37,222 people engaged in total
    • 29,409 fed back about getting a COVID-19 vaccination
    • 94 people involved with NHS Leeds CCG’s reader group
    • 72 people supported NHS Leeds CCF’s Patient Participation Group work
    • 53 people involved in other activities or projects
  • 456 meetings, groups and activities were carried out to involve people
  • We heard from:
    • 14,241 females
    • 9612 males
    • 85 transgender people (where the gender is different than the one assumed at birth)
    • 81 non-binary / other people
    • 470 people from the LGBTQIA+ community
    • 2798 people from diverse ethnic communities
    • 3438 people aged over 65
    • 2859 people aged under 25
    • 37 homeless people
    • 2147 carers
    • 1933 people with disabilities
      • 708 people with long-term conditions
      • 248 people with physical disabilities
      • 109 people with hearing impairments
      • 367 people with mental health conditions
      • 112 people with learning disabilities
      • 36 people with visual impairments

Note: this is the information collected when people chose to complete the equality monitoring sections of our surveys. This includes data from NHS Leeds CCG, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT), Leeds Voices (Voluntary Action Leeds), Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT) and Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH). We do not have full equality monitoring data from 23,000 responses to the COVID-19 vaccine experience engagement.

How can you help?

Health and wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility. The NHS Constitution sets out the rights and responsibilities which
the public, patients, and staff owe to one another to ensure that the NHS operates fairly and effectively

Throughout ‘Involving You’ you will see sections titled ‘How Can You Help?’, which point out the different ways people in Leeds can help the health and care system. We’ve summarised some of those key ‘how can you help’ moments into a handy list below:

You can help us to develop better services by sharing your experiences

Good or bad, we want to hear what you think of our services. Share your story by:

  • Visiting Care Opinion:
  • You can contact an organisation directly, see the ‘how can you share your feedback’ section later on.

To help you be seen in the right place, at the right time by the right healthcare professional you need to use the most appropriate service

The NHS Leeds CCG website details the different options that are available:

Everyone has mental health, and it is important that you make sure to look after yours. It’s as important as your physical health

The Mindwell website has some excellent advice on how to look after your mental wellbeing:

Health services are busy at the moment. A lot of things you might need help with can be done through the NHS app

If you can, download the NHS app to access a range of services:

You can help us by supporting or joining your local Patient Participation Group (PPG), supporting your local practice, and representing your area

Have a look on your GP practice’s website or find out more about PPGs here:

You can support your community and the NHS by using and sharing trusted sources of health information

Find the latest trusted health information about COVID-19 here:

Join our network and find out about the latest opportunities to share your views

You can contact each service you’re interested in directly to find out how you can be kept informed about what they’re up to.

How can you share your feedback?

When people tell us their stories, it gives us a valuable look into the quality of their healthcare and their opinion of the service.

We collect experiences from different sources and work together with patients, carers, the wider public and local partners to ensure that the services we fund are responsive to what people need.

Patient experience teams in health and care settings ensure that patient feedback is firmly embedded in all decisions and that it is used to drive improvements for our patients. Third sector organisations also work closely with different  communities in Leeds to bring the feedback to decision makers in the city.

There are several ways we collect this information, including:

  • Our comments, concerns, and compliments process
  • Through our involvement work
  • Issues raised by patient advocates, such as carers, and local elected members
  • Media coverage
  • ‘Friends and Family Test’
  • Online reviews, such as Care Opinion ( and the NHS website (
  • Social media: Facebook, Twitter

Share your views – contact list


It is expected that NHS Leeds CCG will become the Leeds Office of the Integrated Care Board (ICB) from 1 July 2022. You can still get in touch using this same contact information.

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT)

Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT)

Adult social care – Leeds City Council

Healthwatch Leeds

Voluntary Action Leeds

Forum Central

How can you help?

We want to hear your views to help us improve the services we fund. If you wish to share your experience, please get in touch using the contact details above.

Get Involved

What matters to you, matters to us. We need your help so we can keep improving health and wellbeing services in Leeds. There are lots of ways you can get involved in our work .

Join a network

The best way to stay in touch with us is to join one of our patient networks. It’s easy to do and you’ll receive occasional emails telling you about events and involvement opportunities that might interest you. Get in touch using the contact information on the previous page to join.

Patient reader group

The patient reader group is a group of patients and members of the public who review patient literature and guidance to help us improve the accessibility and quality of information we provide. You can get involved from the comfort of your own home and choose when and what you respond to. You can find out more about the group here:


In Leeds, we truly value the time, energy, and commitment our volunteers give to the health and care system. We’ve seen during the pandemic the difference and impact a city full of passionate volunteers can make. As a city, we want to make sure that there are volunteering opportunities for everyone. Different organisations will provide different opportunities, some more focussed on their own service and some more focussed on volunteering across a specific area, or the whole city. Use the contact information on the previous page to get in touch and see how you can make a difference.

Patient Participation Groups (PPG)

You can get involved in your local GP practice by joining their Patient Participation Group. Your PPG supports your practice to improve and helps ensure that the views of patients are at the heart of decision-making. The groups usually meet every 2–3 months for an hour. You can read more about PPGs here:

Get in touch

This summary was written by NHS Leeds CCG on behalf of the Leeds Health and Care Partnership. If you would like to know more about this report, or about how you can get involved, please contact us on:


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