Your recent experiences

Listening to what patients, carers or family members tell us is very important so that we can capture their views and experiences to help shape healthcare services. We will also use what they tell us to help us monitor services so that we know they are high quality, safe and what people would expect from a modern NHS.

We want to hear your views on the services that you use – help us improve the services we commission by submitting your own personal patient experience of healthcare services in Leeds.

Tell us your story

When people tell us their stories, it gives us valuable insight into the quality of their healthcare and their opinion of the service they received. Patient stories are where patients, carers or family members discuss their experience, often related to a traumatic event or someone dealing or living with a long term condition. What people tell us includes the emotional effect that it has had on them, as well as what they need and expect from services.

Our public Governing Body meetings start with a patient story that explains your experiences of the services in Leeds that we commission. All patient stories are anonymised.

If you would like to submit your patient story, please get in touch with us by emailing [email protected] you can also tweet us

or write to us:

Patient Experience team
Leeds Health and Care Partnership
Suites 2 – 4
Wira House
Wira Business Park
LS16 6EB

Note: Please do not submit any health related questions to this site.
If you have a question about your health, please contact your local GP practice or pharmacy for advice or support.

How do we gather patients’ experiences?

There are a number of ways we can collect this information, and this includes:

  • Friends and Family test
  • Comments, Concerns & Compliments 
  • Issues raised by third parties and patient advocates, such as carers, third sector, MP letters, local elected members
  • Media coverage
  • Online surveys, such as Care Opinion and NHS Choices
  • Social media – eg. or
  • National Patient Survey and GP practice survey results
  • Leeds Citizens’ panel
  • Engagement work with patients, carers, public and other stakeholders
  • Patient Participation Groups
  • Individual interviews and focus groups
  • Videos and patient diaries

National GP Patient Survey

The NHS England GP Patient Survey highlights what patients think about their GP surgeries and other primary medical care services in England. It assesses patients’ experiences of the access and quality of care they receive from their local GPs, dentists and out-of-hours doctor services.

They are used to assess how well the NHS is performing, leading to quality improvements throughout the primary medical health care service in England.

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