The Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets a clear ambition for Leeds to be a ‘healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest improve their health the fastest.’
The Healthy Leeds Plan sets out the health and care contribution towards achieving this vision. It describes the outcomes we want to achieve for the people of Leeds and our plans for doing so. In delivering our plan we will focus on equitable access, excellent experience, optimal outcomes and ensuring we get the best value from the Leeds pound.
The Healthy Leeds Plan focuses on delivering two collective system goals, to:
1) Reduce preventable unplanned care utilisation across health settings; and
2) Increase early identification and intervention (of both, risk factors and actual physical and mental illness).
These goals are focussed on the 26% of the population in Leeds who are living in the 10% most deprived areas nationally.
Measurable improvement towards our goals will be driven by the people of Leeds, clinicians, professionals and the third sector. We will use population health management approaches and local insight to identify, design and implement interventions and service changes that will have the biggest impact on people’s health and wellbeing. In line with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy ethos of starting with people and communities, coproduction will run through all aspects.
As a system we continue to develop robust population health infrastructures, designed to put the diverse needs of our population at the heart of everything we do and move decision making closer to the people that use our services. We will deliver the Healthy Leeds Plan by bringing together key partners through our Population and Care Delivery Boards and other forums across the city.
You can read more about population boards and their work here:
The Healthy Leeds Plan can be found here.
An executive summary, plain text and easy read version are currently in development and will be added to the website soon.