Seacroft – an example of a Local Care Partnership

We want people in Seacroft to live well - Through collaboration, we will make it easier to do the right thing for the people of Seacroft and surrounding areas.

We’ll do this through collaboration, asset-based community development and by taking a population health management approach.

Our partnership includes GPs, community health care, adult social care, third sector, public health, community groups and elected members, alongside local people, working together as one team (TeamSeacroft) to tackle localised health inequalities.

We work with a design group made up of a variety of partners who help to provide a focus for the LCP and enable the work to move forward.  They help develop a culture that enables people and communities to start well, live well and die well.

Our work is showcased in the NHS Confederation’s report around The Case for neighbourhood health and care as an example of best practice.

Current priorities

Neighbourhood approach to tackling Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA).

Whole neighbourhood approach to raising awareness of DVA, encouraging the community to have conversations about the issue and explore what local partners can do to help – not shying away from a difficult topic. Includes campaigning, joint training and education, DVA ambassadors, increasing the number of safe spaces within the community.

End of Life and Respiratory Disease

As part of the Healthy Leeds Plan, the LCP is working towards people at the end of life / living with severe frailty (their family and their carers) having an improved quality of life, feeling more confident, less anxious and being better supported to manage their condition in their own home thanks to a new, more patient centred pathway for people with respiratory disease.

Seacroft Blood Pressure Awareness Project

Aims to raise awareness and support the early identification of hypertension within the community using an integrated model of care. To support those identified as hypertensive, to manage and reduce their blood pressure by taking a person-centred approach, in which the individual will be supported to engage with local groups and activities which supports living well.

Testing community based approaches to NHS Health check delivery

To test if community-based approaches to NHS Health Check delivery engage and yield increased uptake in targeted population groups (health inclusion groups) in comparison to mainstream service delivery.

Supporting people with a SMI (Severe Mental Illness) Diagnosis to access primary care prevention services that save lives

Increasing uptake of primary prevention services such as cervical screening, bowel screening, pulmonary rehabilitation and hypertension monitoring in the SMI population .building upon our existing strategy of working in and with local communities to access currently underutilised capacity that exists in primary care, and where it doesn’t, create additional capacity.

Children’s Respiratory

Emerging as part of the Healthy Leeds Plan – The data analysis identified that a significant number of children and young people and their families were impacted by respiratory disease, currently understanding data before moving to diagnostic phase.



The full LCP meets quarterly on Tuesdays afternoons and there are various subgroups supporting the work to move forward – Please get in contact for more details.

How to get involved

We are keen to include more partners across the patch, in particular those who can support our current priorities and community groups. If you would like more information or to join us, please contact​​ [email protected].

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