Local care partnerships (LCPs) build on Leeds strong history of the City Council, NHS and third sector (community organisations) staff working together. There are 15 LCPs covering all of Leeds. Recognising the city’s diversity, they are tailored to local need and the features of that particular community.
All LCPs share the same key feature – a range of people working together, regardless of the employing organisation, to deliver joined-up collaborative care that meets the identified population’s needs. Each partnership includes statutory organisations, third sector (community groups) and elected members.
Regular LCP meetings enable partners working in an area to build connections with one another, share details of their service offers and highlight issues and challenges local people are raising with them. This can lead to collaborative projects where partners feel they can better address issues by working together.
The LCP model is strongly rooted in our Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy and is also a key part of how we are delivering the Healthy Leeds Plan.
LCPs build on the strengths and extensive history of collaboration in the city to realise some of the most exciting, person-centred transformation in health and care and tackle health inequalities whilst considering the impact of wider social determinants on people in that locality.
LCPs widely recognise that decisions made locally about people should involve the local community. There are many different ways that local people can share their opinions and get involved in shaping local health and care services.
If you would like to find out more about LCPs you can sign up to our regular communications digest by emailing us at: [email protected]. The digest provides details of all upcoming LCP activity and how to get involved. You can also follow the LCP Development Team through the following social media channels: Facebook, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn (links open external websites).